Where form, function, and tradition meet.
Nychair X: Iconic Japanese Design
The Nychair, produced in Japan since 1970, has been loved and admired the world over. Its simple, beautiful and functional design has earned it accolades and awards. Minimialist in design the chair can be easily folded and transported from room to room, brought to an outside patio or easily tucked away when space is needed in tighter quarters.
NyChair X Rocking - White
Sale price$974.95
NyChair X Rocking - Terracotta
Sale price$974.95
NyChair X Rocking - Camel
Sale price$974.95
Nychair X Ottoman - White
Sale price$486.95
Nychair X Ottoman - Terracotta
Sale price$486.95
Nychair X Ottoman - Camel
Sale price$486.95